Serious Games Applications and Development

serious gamesWe call Serious Games the application of the Games Technology on Business Activities. This ranges from a big number of aplications areas, but the main idea is to use the power of the game engines, new devices, 3D modeling and rendering, animation, together with the Game Design features, creating a engaging and focused environment to achieve a business goals.

We develop serious games applications for many business areas, based on the customer and stakeholders requirements.


Serious Games Application Areas

As we said there are many serious games application areas, but we there are a few areas where serious games and game technology prove to provide a high impact and return over investment:

  • Advergames: The use of games to engage customers to your marketing and brand goals. Learn more…
  • Gamification: The use of game design to create more engaging and focused experience on daily business activities. Learn more…
  • Simulation Games: The creation of real life activities simulation, for training, performance improvement, presentations and technical studies. Learn more…
  • Smart City Games: Smart cities is the new challenge of this century, and games technology can help to achieve many Smart Cities goals. Learn more…


There are many benefits on use of games technology and game design on business. The first one is the engagement. People love to play, even if playing means working. But there is a reason for that. Games design is based on goals achievement, continuous progressions and immediate feed-back. All this characteristics drives the users, either customers, employees or stakeholders, to engage on the experience.

Serious Games Development Services

The development process involves many different knowledge areas, as programming, 3D modeling, 2D art, sound, illuminating, level design, etc…

We provide Serious Games Consultant, Design and Development Services, with focus on business goals and return on investment, using the latest games technology.

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